Monday, September 4, 2017


1467 Battle of Molinella

It is known that the Chinese, during the 9th century,
                                                        [invented black powder..
This mixture is guilty for countless deaths,
                            [millions of people, the damn gunpowder.

It was first used to create celebration devices,
and remained so for hundreds of years,
          [before used for the colossal human sacrifice ..

The firearm was invented in China during the 13th century,
                                                                   [and later transmitted,
to Europe where there soon all the armies,
                                              [with these weapons were outfitted.

So in the battle of Molinella in Italy on July twenty-five,
                                   [of the year 1467 unfortunately underused..
A historic military conflict because,
                         [for the first time, firearms were intensively used.

Of course the warlike psychopath's expression,
                                                    [was both happy and enthused,
but every rational man saw this development of arms, bemused,
frightened, and the dark days of the future,
                                                        [that will surely come mused ..

The evolution was rapid, bombs year after year
                               [were made more powerful, stronger and stronger
until people realized that the demise of the planet was close,
                                                            [and could not resist any longer.       

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
                                             [the U.N. Organization made it clear,
that worldwide is estimated at 10,144 the total number,
                                           [of those deadly weapons, the nuclear,
which exist in Russia, United Kingdom, France, China,
                             [India, Pakistan, North Korea and certainly United States,
it is also believed that the following also posses nuclear weapons,
                             [Israel and South Africa and who knows what other states.


Texts and Narration: Odysseus
Heavilayias - ROTTERDAM //
Language adjustments and text adaptation: Kellene G Safis - CHICAGO//
Digital adaptation and text editing: Cathy Rapakoulia Mataraga - PIRAEUS//


*The Battle of Riccardina or Battle of Molinella, fought on July 25, 1467, in
Molinella, was one of the most important battles of the 15th century in Italy.
On the one side were 14,000 infantry and cavalry led by
Bartolomeo Colleoni in theory fighting for Venice (but Colleoni had his personal agenda), in coalition with Borso d'Este, Marquis of Ferrara (represented by his half-brother Ercole I d'Este) and the Lords of Pesaro, Forlì and some renegade families of Florence.
On the other side was an army of 13,000 soldiers in the service of Florence, allied with
Galeazzo Maria Sforza (ruler of the Duchy of Milan), King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Giovanni II Bentivoglio (ruler of Bologna). The army was led by a Federico da Montefeltro.
The battle

The battle was fought along the
Idice river, between the villages of Riccardina (near Budrio) and Molinella. Historians disagree on who won the battle. The only certainty is that Bartolomeo Colleoni had to abandon his plans to conquer Milan. There were between 600 and 700 casualties. Notable was the large number of horses killed (almost 1,000).
The battle is historically important because, for the first time in Italy, artillery and firearms were intensively used.
A large fresco in the
Castle of Malpaga, probably by Girolamo Romani, depicts the battle.
In 1468 peace was concluded under the initiative of
Pope Paul II.

 ELEGHOS... at history 

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